Information Gardens Information Gardens
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NTS Crarae Garden

Crarae is an outstanding woodland garden close to the picturesque Argyll town of Inveraray. Planted around the rushing Crarae Burn, the garden expands upwards and outwards to cover 50 acres of rising land above Loch Fyne, one of the longest sea-lochs on the western seaboard. The garden has a spectacular collection of trees and shrubs, with rhododendrons and azaleas forming a prominent part of the spring display along with camellias, pieris and numerous mature magnolias. Other significant plant genera include Sorbus, Acer, Eucalyptus and Nothofagus, the latter being an NCCPG National Collection. While the garden is a beautiful place to visit at any time of year, it is in the spring and early summer when the colourful flowering shrubs and trees are at their best, or in autumn when the magnificent maples and rowans can produce such a staggering show, that Crarae proves itself one of Britain's premier woodland gardens.

NTS Crarae Garden, Argyll and the Isle of Mull Gardens open to the public


Argyll and the Isle of Mull
PA32 8YA

Click here for more colour, opening dates, admission prices and full contact information.



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