Information Gardens Information Gardens
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This small royal burgh on the north shore of the Forth provides a striking introduction to Scottish domestic life in the 16th and 17th centuries. Culross was then a thriving community, developed under the businesslike laird, Sir George Bruce, with a flourishing trade with other Forth ports and the Low Countries. The Palace was built between 1597 and 1611for Sir George and features decorative painted woodwork and original interiors, 17th and 18th century furniture and decorative items. On the ground floor of the west wing there is a collection of Staffordshire and Scottish pottery bequeathed by the late Mr William Steel. A model 17th century garden with raised beds, a covered walkway, a flowery mead and hurdle fencing, has been built to the rear of the Palace. It contains a variety of unusual vegetables, herbs and perennials, all available in 1600.

Culross, Fife Gardens open to the public


KY12 8JH

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