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Hardwick Hall, Garden, Park and Stainsby Mill

Welcome to Hardwick, the birthplace and home of Elizabeth, Countess of Shrewsbury or 'Bess of Hardwick'. Start your visit at the old hall (managed by English Heritage); next experience the splendour of the new hall with its unique collection of 16th century and early 17th century tapestries, needlework and furniture. Explore the walled courtyard gardens, orchard and herb garden. Stainsby Mill is a restored flour mill powered by a water wheel and working machinery. Both halls, garden, shop and restaurant are open Wed, Thurs, Sat and Sun. Garden, restaurant, shop and old hall from 12pm; new hall 12.30 - 4.30. Park open all year. Mill 11am - 4pm

Hardwick Hall, Garden, Park and Stainsby Mill, Derbyshire Gardens open to the public


Doe Lea
S44 5QJ

Click here for more colour, opening dates, admission prices and full contact information.



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