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Hatfield House & Gardens

Hatfield House & Gardens, Hatfield, Hertfordshire Home of the Marquess of Salisbury. The magnificent house, built by Robert Cecil in 1611, is full of exquisite tapestries, furniture and world famous paintings. Superb examples of Jacobean craftsmanship can be seen throughout Hatfield House, such as the grand staircase, with its wealth of lively detail carved in oak, and the rare stained glass window in the private chapel. John Tradescant the Elder, the celebrated plant hunter, was employed to plant and lay out the gardens. During the 18th century, when landscape gardening became more fashionable, much of his work was neglected or swept away. The present Marchioness has continued with the work of restoration and re-development, started in the mid 19th century, so that the 42 acres of gardens now include formal, knot, scented and wilderness areas which reflects their Jacobean history. The gardens are managed entirely organically. The Garden is being enlarged over the next few years to some 60 acres.

Hatfield House & Gardens, Hertfordshire Gardens open to the public



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