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Mount Stuart

Award-winning Mount Stuart, one of Britain's most spectacular High Victorian Gothic houses, is the magnificent architectural fantasy of the 3rd Marquess of Bute (1847-1900) and the Scottish architect Robert Rowland Anderson. The scale and ambition of Mount Stuart is equalled only by Bute's collaboration with William Burges to restore Cardiff Castle and Castel Coch. The profusion of astrological designs, stained glass and marble is breathtaking, and all combine to envelop the visitor in the mystique and history of the house. Fabulous interiors and architectural detail. Set in 300 acres of stunning woodlands. Mature Victorian pinetum, arboretum and exotic gardens. Facilities include shop, restaurant, adventure play and picnic areas, audio-visual, disabled access, guided tours of house and gardens.

Mount Stuart, Argyll and the Isle of Mull Gardens open to the public


Mount Stuart
Isle of Bute
Argyll and the Isle of Mull
PA20 9LR

Click here for more colour, opening dates, admission prices and full contact information.



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